Friday 5 June 2009

Leveraging existing multi channel assets

I first published this post on, having delivered a breakfast briefing at the ARC Retail conference.

Retailers under Pressure 

John Lewis this week announced a 27% fall in first half year profits, largely attributed to price cuts and increased marketing spend. With the uncertainty the credit crunch has created, retailers will increasingly have to innovate to create the seamless Multi Channel experience that we all crave. Without the luxury of profit growth and flexible budgets, retailers need low cost / high benefit customer propositions. 

Use what you have 

Leveraging existing assets is one way retailers can do this. I wonder how many retailers take stock of all their multi channel assets, and attempt to link them together to create value add services for their customers.

One Example

The 3 main channels a retailer uses are the store, web and a call centre. Once a customer has saved their address and credit card details on the web, the checkout process is normally fairly seamless. So why not use this data in the call centre and store so customers only have to enter a password and a PIN number. Thus creating a seamless checkout process through all channels and creating customer value add propositions in the process.

Creating customer centric services are essential as exemplified by recent McKinsey research. They found that only 15% of loyalty is gained from perceived product quality and promotional strategies, leaving 85% to the actual purchasing and post-sales experiences of customers.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Multi-Channel Retailing - ARC Retail Presentation 2008

Alongside some colleagues, I delivered a breakfast briefing to the ARC Retail Conference on Multi-Channel Retailing.

In light of the credit crunch, the theme of the presentation was 'Leveraging your multi channel assets to deliver low cost, high benefit customer propositions.'  We presented and discussed tools and techniques to enable a business to leverage their existing assets, and focused on 3 areas that could really drive a business forward.

The presentation was split into the following areas

1. Three critical challenges for retailers
2. Learning's from an internally produced Multi-Channel Survey
3. Three focus areas
a. Changing to a Cross Channel Culture
b. Doing more with existing assets -Leveraging the Social Web
c. Linking assets together

Monday 1 June 2009

10 more reasons not to buy an iPhone

For all the hype surrounding the iPhone, a brand new mobile experience, the great user journey, the applications, the sleek design, I feel that my experience to date has not been a great one.  

I find it extremely hard to comprehend that Apple did not include so much basic mobile phone functionality, that most of us have taken for granted for years.   

A company with a brand synonymous with youth, innovation, and fun must address these issues in the coming months as the competition hots up.

  1. Cannot resend and edit a previously written text message
  2. No Instant Messaging
  3. Cannot lock the iphone immediately, which is a source of constant frustration.
  4. No simple mechanism to work with different applications.  You have to constantly go back to the main page to open up a application
  5. Predictive texting does not enable the user to freely type in shortcuts
  6. Battery is poor
  7. Cannot create new photo albums
  8. No voice dialling
  9. Loud speaker is NOT loud. I have a 4 year old Nokia phone that is louder
  10. Sound quality is also poor on loud speaker